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Since moving to New England, one of my favorite past times in the fall is apple picking.  We've made it now a tradition to annually visit Smolak Farms for our apples, christmas trees, delicious warm apple cider and cider doughnuts.  I imagine the people with professional cameras had a field day at this farm {I saw many people with them}, BUT, here's what I managed to capture with my little point and shoot.  I truly enjoy photographing on farms, outdoors, etc. 

I have never attempted to make apple crisp or apple pie and I would love to try both.  My go-to is typically apple cider and apple sauce.  If you have any tips on making either a pie or crisp, I would love to hear them!  I will post on how both turn out.  Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and getting a chance to soak in the new Lonny Mag!  LOVE this issue. 


  1. These photos are totally gorgeous - fall is just my favorite. We went apple picking last weekend and I tried my hand at making apple crisp...I was less than satisfied with my debut and am seeking out alternative recipes. Ha.


    All this is Grace and Charm

  2. These are fantastic photos! I especially love the cute little flat amidst the apples and the gorgeous gourds. The northeast really is incredible this time of year.

  3. Apple crisp is easy to make! I use my grandma's recipe which is as follows:
    -peel and slice apples (about 4 cups, but really, fill the dish you're using)
    -stir in 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tbsp flour and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon to cover all the slices

    Next, mix together 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup flower 1/4 cup butter, 1/8 tsp baking powder, 1/8 tsp baking soda.

    Spoon this mixture over the top of the apples, and then bake at 375 for 40 minutes.

    I have never had a bad outcome with this recipe. I've plated with various things-- sometimes I don't have the baking power or soda, that doesn't seem to make much of a difference. I've also played with the amount of sugar, trying to lower it a little. I've never tried a sugar substitute though.

    Also important to know is the type of apple to use. I recommend jonathans/jonagold, mcintosh, or honeyscrisps. I don't recommend golden/red delicious apples but that's my personal preference.

  4. ok I have been seeing lots of you picking up apples or making apple related post and Im getting jealous, sounds like chic fun :) Love the idea!!

  5. I am so jealous- I used to live in Virginia, and now that I'm living in Florida I miss the seasons (we had apple festivals :D) so much! Also, where is your sweater from? It's so cute!!

  6. Great pics! I love apple picking in New England too :) I haven't been to that place...maybe for next year!

  7. I remember going to Smolak Farms as a field trip during elementary school! Lovely pictures! Mmm, apple cider...

  8. Looks like the perfect autumnal activity!

  9. Thanks everyone!

    And thank you Allison for your incredible recipe! So delicious!

    Ashley, thank you! My sweater wrap is by Beth Bowley.

  10. you and your boyfriend ar so so so cute!
    and your photography came out great!
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. If there were a fallish looking apple orchard near Houston, I'd drive out there this minute! Mmm...your apple crisp and pie photos are making me hungry!

    I'm hoping to bake a pumpkin pie with a pecan praline topping this weekend. I'll have to stick with a gluten free crust, so not quite as delectable and buttery and flakey as your apple pie, but at least it will smell like fall in my house!

    Happy weekend!


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