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Dark denim is one of my absolute faves.  From wearing a pair with heels: 

So simple, but so chic.
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to going with a flared fit: 

bangs.Cool denim shirt and flared jeans combo from La Dolce Vita
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to wearing with boots: 

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or flats...

  Olivia Palermo
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you could say I practically live in dark denim in the winter's the one basic item that you can easily dress up or down and is typically comfortable if you buy a pair with stretch!  That's the trick.  These are always my favorite.  Anyway, just got a new pair and thought I would share my tips on keeping them dark and ensuring that the ink does not bleed onto your other clothes!  

a few tips to keep your denim dark & from bleeding onto furniture, your skin and other clothes: 

+ before you even wear them soak them in cold water with a cup of white vinegar (this is also great if you  
    have an item that is striped and worry the colors will bleed)
+ always wash inside out and in cold water
+ never dry (this not only keeps the color but keeps the shape)
+ I've always heard folding your jeans is the best storage, never hang them by pant hangers as it stretches out   
   the waistband 

more ways to store your denim: 

this is incredible if you could keep it up!

using a shoe organizer...I seriously might want to do this: 

denim cubby

set the bands facing you so you know which ones your grabbing: 

and lastly, you could roll them up like Erin!  love her new organized closet:


  1. Wow, that is seriously organized!
    I've always hung mine on pant hangers and never knew I shouldn't. I like the shoe holder option you showed. Thanks for the tips.

  2. i've been looking for black jeans forever... just can't seem to find the perfect ones yet!


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