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~favorite face masks

Deliciously Organized Favorite Face Masks

Over the years I have found these products to be my absolute favorite in the face mask department.  Each one doing something completely different.  I love to mix the Fresh Rose Face Mask with the Sugar Face polish and wear to bed.  You wake up with a glow.  The Dermolgica hydrate mask is another one I apply before bed if my face seems really dry.  The Erno Laszlo masks are amazing.  The top one will shrink your pores right up, and will typically give you an overall "just had a facial" look.  The one below it, the beta mask, will zap any acne over night.  Just put a dab over your blemish before you go to bed.

Each one is a bit pricey, so I have purchased them over time.  And I always take a sample first, ensuring my face isn't going to freak out.  Masks truly are the best way to have that spa experience at home.  Pour yourself a glass of wine, apply mask, and open up your favorite magazine.

I know there are ways to make lovely masks at home, but I prefer to use these when I don't want to go through the effort/have the time of making something fresh.

Do you have a favorite face mask? 


  1. Can't wait to try some of these. Your skin always looks beautiful in photos!


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