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Good Morning,

How about a few refreshing photographs to set the tone for the week?

lets start with a bright & airy entry to welcome the towering monday to-do lists...

a simple space to get organized in...

and a fresh & organic work space to get started in...

My lackadaisical summer attitude is starting to catch up with should see my desk.  I personally hope to accomplish a lot of things on my to-do list and tackle a few organization projects around the house this week.  Anyone else feeling the same lately?

*photographs Birgitta Wolfgang


  1. I am totally with you on the to-do list. I know I could accomplish more in that gorgeous light and airy space and even more with that amazing black organizer.

    LOVE IT!!!

    Happy Monday,

  2. i love that table "bolted" to the wall--such a great idea!

  3. I love seeing those butterflies behind the cabinet doors. I hope you have a great week.


  4. Love all the photos of refreshing white! Great start to the week!

  5. My youngest is enrolled in a day dance camp, and while she is dancing, I will be dancing at home, getting some work done and organizing some things around here. I love all the images you have gathered. All that white looks like a fresh canvas!

  6. Thank you. The tone has been set...I'm inspired and ready to go.

  7. I'm on the same page as you. My desk is a mess and I hope to get organized around here this week. My sister is coming today so it will be great to have her help w/ the little one so I can knock some things off of my to-do list!

  8. Just finished tweeting that I'm looking forward to a productive week, as I have lots to do! Lovely images!

  9. I love that word, its so fun to say!

  10. ahhh, I wish my apartment was white on white. Unfortunatly they chose cream on yellow:)

  11. looooove. i would add a big fluffy bed in there to go back to bed for a little while before tackling the day... i'm not ready yet!

  12. gorgeous pictures. cheers to a productive week!

  13. I am feeling the same way. I can't get out of the college student mind set that summer means lake and free time!

  14. Definitely helped to clear my mind. I so love gray and white together. Is that entry table floating in that one picture?!?

  15. What amazing spaces.. the white and grey undertone..clean calming and crisp..thanks, those are gorgeous! xx


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