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Recently I combined my clothes with Chris' clothes in one dresser.  Originally, we were going to get a new dresser for my side of the bed but I decided to hold off on that for a while to focus on more important things in the house (like hunting for a dining table).  At the time of marrying two sets of clothes, my clothes were in a plastic dresser next to this huge dresser with all of Chris' clothes in it. Pretty much his clothes were stuffed into a huge dresser and valuable space was being wasted (most of this space was being wasted due to his hoarding of favorite t-shirts from the early 90's & I counted several doubles of fraternity shirts!- not that I'm one to talk...I believe I'm hoarding a few boxes of clothes under the bed).

At any rate, it was high time he shared the space. 

The girls over at neat method fold all their shirts like the above.  It's awesome.  All you have to do is fold your shirt one more time over.  3 folds and your done.  Not only does it give you a ton of space, but it allows you to see all of your shirts at once. And, it doesn't have to be perfect.  I purposely shot this drawer exactly how it looked when I opened it up after a few weeks of the system in place.  Anyway, with this new folding process we were able to combine all of our clothes into one dresser!  Highly recommend giving this idea a try this weekend!


  1. Looks beautiful. I hate folding shirts though and so all my t-shirts are hung up, straight from the dryer. (Or stacked on the back of one of the living room chairs until I get around to it). I admire you setting up and keeping up your system.

    1. ha! it definitely takes discipline... i'll admit i actually have a pile of shirts that need to be folded right now sitting in a corner of our room.

  2. I'm going to have to try that because the husband is definitely a t-shirt hoarder!

  3. I did this in my college dorm room last year and it saved so much space!!

  4. I recently started folding my shirts like this too, it's so much better because like you said, at a quick glance you know what's there and it's easier to stay organised because each time you remove a shirt it doesn't drag another with it. I'm in the same dilemma but unfortunately I don't think Hubby & I can share the same dresser LOL

  5. Great idea!
    I am all over it!

  6. It's hard for me to tell from the above shots how this fold is done.

    1. just googled it and found this image:

  7. Always in need of ideas for getting organized - thank you! :) Am loooooooving the layout/design updates!!

  8. I'm getting ready to leave for school and I'm definitely going to plan on folding all of my (hundreds of) t-shirts like this! Just found your blog and I love it!



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