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At the beginning of every year, I find myself taking care of the following tasks (seen below) and figured I'd share my list since there could be an item that triggers something you need to take care of as well ;)

1. Schedule all annual dental, medical, etc. appointments.

2. Check the fire alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and any other emergency sensors in your home.

3. Confirm and go over your emergency plan.  Living in San Francisco it's very important to have an earthquake emergency kit (this is the kit I own, I've added things to it- feminine products, playing cards, etc. and placed an old pair of tennis shoes near the back pack), place of where you'd meet in case it happened, and a clear plan of what you and your loved ones would do if an earthquake were to hit. 

4.  Clean out all expired beauty products from your bathroom and linen closet (even in the shower and your travel bag). 

5.  Same for medications, clear out all the expired and make a list of what you need to purchase. 

6.  Go through your spice rack, toss all expired spices and make a list for the next time you go to the store. 

7.  Go through all your condiments in the fridge, toss and then make your list. 

8.  Edit your wardrobe- donate or toss whatever you don't need. 


9.  Ensure all your documents are up to date (passport, license, etc.). 

10. Also check to see if you've insured the items in your home that need to be insured.  Engagement rings, wedding rings..etc. 

11.  Clean out your trunk.  Ugh.  This can be the worst chore if you haven't done it in a while.  I use these bins to keep everything organized:

11. Add one small "healthy" item to your routine.  Whether that's taking 5 minutes in the morning to stretch, get a quick walk in during the day, etc. 

Anyway, this is what comes to my mind right now, but I may update this list over the next few weeks as I remember more items.  And, please feel free to leave a list of "to-dos" you like to take care of at the beginning of the year as I'd love to hear them.


  1. I love the idea of having playing cards in your emergency kit! I'm working on compiling my emergency stuff and already made a note to do that :)

  2. These are really, really great reminders! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is awesome! Thank you so much for such a helpful post. I had no idea those kinds of pre-made emergency kits existed. I'm definitely going to get one:)

  4. Such a great list! Some of these are part of my new year's resolution to "Be Prepared" (emergency kit, doctors appointments, medicine cabinet cleanout, renew passport, make important documents binder). Thanks for the reminder & have a great weekend!


  5. I usually try to go through the refridgerator. I never have gone through my spices, we usually use them pretty quickly. But I do go through canned goods every December. I need to go through medications and get rid of what is expired. Since the little one is napping, now is a great time for that one! Thanks for the reminder post! :)

  6. Wow! Great reminders of things that I need to do! Never thought about the spices. Thanks for the great post!

  7. Love the wardrobe editing you posted. That is the main thing on my list. I also like to look at our finances and see if there is something we can live without...we've been majorly purging and ridding our lives of excess. Oh, and I have to donate toys for sure. It just starts to take over the house. I don't mind toys if they are actually played with and loved...but, how many toys does each child really need or play with?

  8. I never thought of checking my spice expiration dates. Especially love the emergency kit idea. Thank you for sharing!

  9. its a plan for sure ... I add edit down the xmas decorations - throw away any damaged or no longer needed ones, put away in sets in zip locl bags and store for next xmas, go thru returned school supplies and edit out, recycle, fix or throw, order labels for books, buy new supplies and viola now you have the kids covered too :) best le xox

  10. Love this post!

    I go through the freezer and I try to come up with new meals from the random food I have bought but not used up yet! Its a good way to save on groceries in the beginning of the year and create a new dish that you might really like!

  11. WOW! Now that I've found you I'm going to stick with you. I have been really stressed out for months because everything in my house seems to be out of control and I get overwhelmed every time I try to start somewhere.
    Hoping you will be able to inspire me. This list looks like a good start. Thanks!

  12. ...and may I add, living in Toronto, Canada, the mere thought of having to worry about earthquakes fills me with absolute terror. Good to know you're prepared - stay safe!

  13. I love starting fresh at the beginning of the year!

  14. This is a great way to start the year! Get everything really organized and in order.


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