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Organize your Shoes in an Ottoman

Love this idea for a small apartment!  A little pricey, but you could definitely use this ottoman as a coffee table to double your space in small quarters. Looks like it's available this summer by Lily Pulitzer.  Doesn't this shot make you want to run out and buy several new pairs of Spring shoes?


  1. Love it! The lining is adorable. Need to find every possible space to hide the shoes!

  2. Love this! I'm e-mailing this link to my friend who's Manhattan apt could fit in my great room. She's always been envious of my shoe closet. Thanks for sharing.

  3. That is the best thing ever!! I want one:)

  4. Ha, I posted on this exact same thing yesterday! Great minds think alike. :)

  5. Amazing!! I want to make something like this right now!

  6. So creative. Now if only I had a big walk in closet for it live in!

  7. Just came across your blog. LOVE IT! That ottoman is beyond fabulous and yes! Now I want all those chic and fancy fresh shoes pronto. :)

  8. That is the cutest thing ever! And it is filled with the best shoes.

  9. Such a fun idea! I have two in my living room! I'm a new follower...follow me back please! :)

  10. I love's always a hassle trying to figure out a good place for shoes downstairs without them looking cluttered...perfect solution.

  11. Yes, yes it does make me want to run out and buy shoes!!! LOL

  12. LOVE this. I think it would be perfect in a bed room as part of a little sitting room. Adore the cheery fabric inside. Have to keep my eye out for one this summer.

  13. very good for small item storage. Just that the ottoman does not look that big to fit many pairs of shoes. I found some nice storage ottomans at for living room classic design.


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