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it's halloweeeenie time.

Everyone excited for halloween this weekend?  What are you going to be?  I've always loved dressing up.  Not sure if I'm going to this year.  Anyway, this cobweb covered fence is around a house that is the main attraction on my street on halloween.  They play spooky music and crowds of people gather around.  It's good times. favorite part of this photograph {captured on my phone, guess I could have cropped that guy out?} is the leaves, trees and street lamps.  I'm sure you're sick of hearing me say this, but I truly love the fall in Boston.  I'm going to miss it when we move back.  


  1. that looks so awesome!! I am very excited for Halloween! :)

    xoxo follow my blog!!

  2. I like the guy, he totally makes it more spooky. :)

  3. Awesome touch!
    Wish Halloween was a big thing here but it isn't, big fat boo!

    Have a fantastic time!

  4. the man there looks kind of part of the spookiness :)
    Lovely, enjoy it!! xo

  5. We embrace Halloween full on at our house. Have a great weekend!!

  6. Such a gorgeous picture! I grew up in the Northeast, so a good fall picture always makes me think of it. I spent the last few years in Georgia & Florida, so definitely not the same!

  7. I think the guy in the pic makes it awesome. It looks old school. I dig it !!

  8. Love this photo -and those leaves are insane!


  9. Love this picture...a bit spooky :) Welcome to November! naina

  10. I'm so excited to discover your wonderful blog after reading your nightstand post on Cecelia's blog! Off to check it off now and hit follow!



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