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DIY: Party Polka Dots

This one time, I bought a few bridal magazines and was quickly overwhelmed and vowed to stay away from them for a while.  You know how I feel about planning weddings....BUT, there are several ideas in these wild magazines to help throw a smashing party.  For example, these polka dots.  All it takes is a couple of corks and a dash of your favorite colors of ink.  Wouldn't this be a fun way to decorate for a summer soirée?

Speaking of weddings...I'm heading out to attend 2 {back to back} in California.  My fiance is in both. Craziness.  But the good kind of crazy.  I'm excited to see friends and get out of this humidity! I hope everyone has a fabulous week and a happy 4th of July!  Anyone have big plans for the 4th? 

See you back late next week! 

*Martha Stewart...of course


  1. Wow- enjoy your trip! Where in Cali are you going?

    I'll be at the Cape for the 4th weekend! B)

  2. I love wedding mags for party ideas too! Hope you have a great trip, California is my favorite place!

  3. Love love love the polka dots! What a great idea!

  4. so jealous!! :) enjoy that wonderful cali weather and have a great trip!

  5. I heart polka dots. On clothes and shoes and anything else! please pack me too...i cannot take this heat anymore.

  6. I hope you have a wonderful week back home!! Enjoy the time off, you deserve it!

  7. I think this is a project that even I can't screw up! Now, I just have to keep myself from getting carried away and "polka dotting" everything! I'll let you know how that works out for me! Happy vacay!! See you in a week!

  8. oh I am loooving everything about this. Thanks for sharing dear:)

  9. Those are just too cute and sounds like a somewhat easy DIY project!

  10. Love the polka dots aren't "perfect"...they're relaxed. Have fun at your weddings...I'm sure you'll have fun and pick up a few ideas!

    Happy 4th!

  11. You crack me up! When I was wedding planning, I subscribed to no less than THREE bridal magazines! Have a great time in CA!

  12. My little girl will be back this weekend from sleep-away camp- when she called me crying that she missed me, I told her I would have to come chase her in her yellow polka dot bikini - then I felt a smile....
    polka dots make me smile!!!!!
    weddings too.

  13. This is an awesome idea. And, for the record, I agree totally about bridal magazines...


    All this is Grace and Charm

  14. Weddings are too much to grasp as a concept but what a lovely idea!

    I've got into designing accents for special occasions myself, tags for a start. simple components mixed together to make pretty pieces...

    ... if you like i've got a link through to my etsy shop on my blog if you fancy having a peek...

    lovely blog by the way :)

  15. enjoy! these photos make me swoon!

  16. I love these polka dots from Martha! I know even if you guys plan something small and don't even try it will be beautiful! See you at the wedding on the 4th!

  17. What a fun & easy project! Love the yellow dots. Have a great weekend!

    Be sure to check out the giveaway I'm hosting on my blog!

  18. Love this as a simple but lovely decoration!

  19. Totally get what you're saying re planned weddings! I was exactly the same. I'm sure yours will be *delicious* :)

  20. Pretty!!stumbled on your blog -lovely!!

    Love the polka dots!!

    Cheers, Jesa


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