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Shiny Happy People

Last night on my way home from Yoga, I made a dangerous move...I stopped by Anthro.  I have a weakness for everything in that store, clothes, home goods, name it, I want it.  I typically have several items in my arms and then have to check myself.  This book was in my arms last night and I put it back, but I'm still thinking about it...

The recipes look delicious, the photography is unreal and you can't walk away from a book with this title...

Neil Roake creates an incredible collection of his closest friends recipes and combines them with short stories 

look at this...

are you drooling yet?

don't these recipes look fitting for the warm summer months approaching us?

and i'm in love with this...

This would be a fabulous gift for a friend who loves to cook!

I think I'm heading back to Anthro tonight...

*Author: Neil Roake
*Photography: Tony Christie, Russel Wasserfall, Mark Lanning, Adriaan Louw,
Mark Williams, Sean Laurenz, Ray Du Toit & Michael Jnr Bowles


  1. I'm drooling! What a great FUN book! On my wish list!


  2. Looks like a really fun book! I say go for it ;)

  3. That's how I felt when I saw the book "My French Life" at Anthro. Had it in my arms. Loved it. But put it back. Then for the next few days I told everyone about it and kept thinking about it. That's when you know you should get it. So I went back a few days later and bought it and am so glad I did. The photography is amazing.


  4. The images in that book are GORGEOUS! And I'm right there with you Carlee, I try to avoid Anthro as much as possible, because my bank account is always significantly smaller when I leave there ;0)

  5. great idea for a hard to buy friend or sister!

  6. Just found your blog and I LOVE it! Following!

  7. That store is seriously dangerous!! Now, who wants to have lunch with me?

  8. Fab photography is right- what a great book. I think you need to treat yourself!

  9. I love that book and I love Antrho too -
    Come see my latest post, what I found on my way home from yoga.

  10. i love that quote! having great meal partners makes the meal so much better

  11. Are you going to get it? :) xx

  12. I can see why you are still wanting this book. The pictures alone are gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend!

  13. outdoor dining--the best thing about the summer! love the ceviche recipe.

  14. You managed to put that back? Wow, I am seriously impressed. I think as a reward you should definitely go back and buy it!

    Many congratulations on your engagement too!!


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