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This is the last week of the series.  So far we've covered:

Planning Time {including planning time for health}
Walking away from bargains {including using your bargains}
Purging & Donating {specifically books}
Foresee and Avoid Problems 
Organizing the Office {specifically Function & Files} &
5 Tips to a Streamlined Morning

There is so much that could be covered in this series! But, is there something specific you would like to see covered in this last week?  Would love to hear your thoughts!  


  1. OMG, I can't believe you posted this question. You read my mind. I would love a post on how to organize your digital photos and design files. What tips & strategies do people use? What categories do folks use? Do they keep their files via hard drive or binders, etc.? Pure Style Home did a feature a while back which was v. informative. I'd be curious what other bloggers do!! Thanks for soliciting our input!

  2. One suggestion to cover the quickly getting out the door and looking fabulous - streamlining a closet! I could always use more ways. =) I hope your weekend went well and as always thanks for stopping by. Talk soon.

  3. Would love to see the answers to Fran's question above as well!

  4. id love to see how to best organize my shoes! recommendations on storage containers, etc.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts. If you have a question, please feel free to leave it in the comment section and I will try to respond ASAP.

Feel free to check the FAQ tab for answers as well. Thank you for stopping by!