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let's pretend...

This weekend is one of my good friends bachelorette parties in Mexico. Unfortunately I'm unable to make the trip, but I hope she's having a fabulous time! Anyway, I was on Trina Turk browsing this morning {it's pouring in Boston}, and got to thinking, what if I did go to Mexico?  Lets pretend I did...

would have wanted to pack this fab towel, and maybe these bright numbers...

and decorate the villa with a few of these pillows to lounge on

and maybe have brunch overlooking the ocean with these on the table...

and most definitely not forgetting a suit from here.

oh to be in mexico right now....

*all images Trina Turk


  1. fabulous! such a shame that you couldn't make it to mexico! i'm organizing a hen do in Nice, South of France in couple of months, and it's gonna be a one glamorous party, sippind pink coctails and lounging somewhere in Monaco... :)


  2. mmmm. that sounds delightful. do take me with! :)

  3. I just found you and Wow! Fantastic post & pillows. You made a positive out of a negative...:)


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