Walk away from bargains
Week 2 comes from the first habit of Highly Organized People, which is, walk away from bargains. I think we all know that the more we bring into our homes, the more cluttered things can get, which leads to excess items in our pantries, cabinets, closets, under our beds....etc. Here are a few tips that can help you out of impulse sale purchases. {Above: Guilty Bargain Purchase}
1. Always carry a list with you of what you need. It can be tiny, in your wallet or in your cell phone. The list should have a few categories. Here are some examples:
- Home
- Lamp Shade
- Juicer
- Rug
2. Clothing & Accessories
- Bag
- Trench
- Yellow Flats
Once you make your list, stick to it. If it's not on your list, you most likely do not need it. {And if you have other items that you tend to buy on impulse, make a category for that list too}.
2. Don't put yourself in a risky situation. If you know browsing sales online is going to lead to purchases you don't really need, take yourself off your favorite stores email addresses, or don't visit their site for a while.
3. Ask yourself this, "Do I love it?". I know, it sounds silly but it works. Ever since I was young, my mom always made me ask myself that question before making a purchase. And ask yourself, "Do I really need this?". And lastly, "Do I have room for this?".
Home Goods
4. Put things on hold. By doing this, you give yourself more time to decide if that sale item is really worth the price. If you can't put an item on hold {usually you can't with sale}, walk away from it for a minute and then come back. Or if you're really strong, come back the next day!
Home Goods
5. If you are going to make your purchase, use this rule. One item in, one item out. It can be tough to get rid of things, but it keeps the clutter down!
To encourage us all to walk away from bargains, I have created a little giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment with a bargain you've walked away from recently.
Here are a few bargains I picked up from Anthro for this giveaway. And of course they are items to keep you more organized!
a sweet little address book and check list:
More details:
O-Check Design Check List:
*giveaway closed, winner is Holding Court chosen by Random.org*
the lowdown on the giveaway:
1. leave a comment with the bargain you walked away from. If you haven't, then just leave any comment.
2. if you are a follower, let us know
3. if you tweet or blog about this, leave multiple comments
4. if you don't have a blog, please leave your email address so we can get a hold of you
5. deadline is friday
good luck!
5. deadline is friday
good luck!
We just moved and I have yet to unpack all of my clothing. While I was out shopping I found a pair a Ralph Lauren capris on Clearance for a song! I snatched them up, carried them around {knowing I didn't really need them-but WANTED them so bad} Instead I called my hubby. I knew he would say I didn't need them and that would give me the nudge to put them back and walk away.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I did because when I got home, I unpacked a box of clothing and found a brand new pair of RL capris I bought on clearance last year! Perfect!!
Tweeted this as well.
I am so happy I found your blog. I am desperately trying to declutter and organize my life right now!! I am about to become a follower after I finish this message:)
I went to Home Goods this past week. For me, this is huge, as I live 3 hours from any major shopping. I was in heaven. I was torn between two lamps and hemmed and hawed over which one to get for my spare room re-do. I called my mom, sent her pics... had a friend who lived nearby come check them out. And then, I walked away. I didn't buy either of them. I loved them both, but I decided that I just couldn't justify buying either of them when I didn't have the bones of the room decided on just yet. It was a struggle, but I am glad I didn't take one home. There will always be other gorgeous lamps.
ReplyDeleteOh... and I'm a follower!
ReplyDeleteDuring the much loved and much feared JCrack 30% sale + free shipping, I was THIS CLOSE to buying a fabulous and huge tote ("for travel"...as a happy bonus at work treat)...but I sat on it too long and it sold out! So I saved myself some cash and one less bag in my closet! (But I still really want it!)
ReplyDeletelove the address book and checklist!
ReplyDeletebecause i refinish furniture, i'm always searching for the next best thing, and always having to make the hard decisions about what stays and what goes. i'm getting better about only selecting the things that are really one of a kind, and that i know i'll regret if i don't get. one of the things about thrift store shopping is that there are no holds--you have to decide on the spot if you don't want to miss out!
i'm a follower!
I walk away from clothes bargains all the time - in order to save $$$ for decorating projects!
ReplyDelete- Danielle
I'm a follower!
I walked away from a lamp at Urban Outfitters. It was ceramic, tree branch design in black...and it was on sale for $30. There are already 4 lamps in my bedroom. It hurts.
ReplyDeleteAfter trying on a pile of clothes at Anthropologie this weekend I walked away with only two (half price!) towel hooks.
ReplyDeleteThis is the hardest thing for me to do - walk away from a bargain! Actually, I just walked away from those exact trellis pillows from Home Goods that you have pictured. I must've have put them in and out of my shopping cart 4 times! Finally put my foot down and those lovely pillows did not come home with me.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a follower!
ReplyDeletei love your blog and follow it. you have wonderful tips. i am cleaning out my closets right now, so i am walking away from all deals until i evaluate my needs.
ReplyDeletelove the "list" idea! i always carry a small errand notebook with me so i will add my "need" list to the back. thanks so much!
I love this. So true.
ReplyDeleteI live by the adage "if you don't use it or love it, don't keep it". Same thing applies when I shop.
UNLESS I'm shopping for books or notebooks. For some reason, in those cases, I've got zero self control.
Loving this series...
Tips #1 and #4 are so true- I always put something on hold if i'm not 100% sure...gives a little time.
ReplyDeleteNormally I buy something that's a bargain, so I can't think of anything I've walked away from lol... but I am a follower! :)
i am the absolute worst at this. i always buy
I love bargains and am guilty of buying just because its a good deal...big mistake! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteyou dont have to enter me in this contest since there is not alot I have walked away from lately- at least no bargains. Oh wait I remembered one- I was at TJ Maxx on Sunday and they had the most amazing YSL Muse bag that I just HAD to have....like I was crying and throwing a fit in the asile. It was on sale too!!! Down to $750 from $1299- such a bargain. It took all my strength to walk away. Does that count?
ReplyDeleteI love these tips! Thanks! I'm a big fan of lists. I've got them everywhere! Even in my bathroom behind my mirror. My best ideas always come to me when I'm getting ready for the day!
ReplyDeleteHome Goods is where I have trouble walking away... Walked away from some long green grass that I wish I hadn't! And it was on sale...
Almost every day i walk into borders and admire the moleskin notebooks. Knowing full well I have nearly eight at home I have yet to keep buying, and today I walked away successfully yet again!
ReplyDeleteawesome tips! i've been constantly walking away from "bargains" during my semester in europe since the euro is lousy and i'm supposed to be buying experiences, not things. this is a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI left a great blazer at J Crew at the outlets... i am a follower and i love your blog and designs!!
ReplyDeleteI walk away from spending money most days.
ReplyDeleteI have a hard time walking away from a knitting (yarn) bargain but I did do it today. The yarn was so yummy too.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
I am such a bargain shopper and sometimes find myself that just because it is on sale I should get it...I haven't been shopping in a while so I haven't had a chance to walk away from a bargain!
ReplyDeleteBut I am a follower :)
Great advise! You are kicking butt with your posts! Love it all!
ReplyDeletefantastic post. I live down the street from Michaels crafts & often have to walk away from bargain supplies there
ReplyDeleteI saw some small jars on clearance at Anthro. Only $9.99? How perfect for... Hmmm... Surely I'll find something to put in there... No... I can't... Oh well. I put it back.
ReplyDeleteI still think about this light cream coat via Anthropologie. I loved the ruffle and the lightweight wool was perfect for Spring/Summer transition. I was buying a much more wearable cardigan also with a ruffle that I did purchase. I put it on hold twice. Obviously it wasn't for me because I forgot to go back. I was buying a much more wearable cardigan also with a ruffle, that I did purchase and LOVE and have worn several times within the last two weeks. I should mention both were sale items.
Too many bargains to count...but the last bargain I walked away from was a BEAUTIFUL white chaise lounge for $200.00. PAINFUL. Love the blog, been reading it for a while.
ReplyDeleteGreat tips, especially at spring when all I want to do is freshen up my wardrobe and home. I walked away a week or so ago from a 9x12 rug that I found on clearance at Crate and Barrel for $99 - I have no room for it now, but it was such a good bargain I almost bought it anyway. I'm glad I didn't though.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower too!
ReplyDeleteOoo I need both of these! Let's see... a bargain I walked away from.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's not REALLY a bargain, but I wanted to get the set of Sharpie pens in multiple colors from Amazon. They were in my checkout cart and everything. Then I saw the mug on my desk with about 15 pens shooting out of it. I quickly closed the browser... haha. Go me!
And I am a proud follower.
Shopping...my rule is to walk away and if you can get it out of your head buy it! xx
ReplyDeleteI am a book-aholic. When I walk by a bookstore, it draws me in and it is an immense challenge to walk away without a book in my hand. I've promised myself that I'm going to try not to buy books for myself and use the local library more often. That way I'm saving money and there will be less clutter!
ReplyDeleteI became a follower a couple of weeks ago. If I remember correctly I found you through the blog A Divine Life.
I became a follower a couple of weeks ago and I just moved so the timing of this de-cluttering series couldnt be better. Moving into a new place, I am trying to be more thoughtful in terms of furniture purchases. Recent trips to Homegoods have made it hard, but I want to put thought into decorating this time around and only purchase items I know I will want to keep around.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Especially, since I’m a Bostonian.
The other day I walked away from a beautiful vintage typewriter because I already have one. But I wanted it oh-so-badly!
I have been having the hardest time with this recently!!!! it's all the spring things going on sale and spring weather finally being here... or at least that's my excuse. keeping out of the store is the best policy with this. I'm also moving soon so that is a motivator too. If i don't buy it, i don't have to move it.
ReplyDeletejust recently discovered your blog and love it! just became a follower
Okay I didn't really walk away. Instead, I never walked INTO. As a blogger and avid reader, I've been BOMBARDED with all things Liberty of London. It's not even really my style but it's so hard NOT to get caught up in the frenzy. So I've avoided Target. Completely. We need laundry detergent and trash bags and this afternoon I used napkins to clean my powder room because I am short on paper towels. I will have to pick this stuff up at the grocery store because the LofL deals at Target will be hard to pass up. So I took walking away a step further - and never even got near it! Does that count?! Marija
ReplyDeleteThis is a great suggestion. Especially for the people who read my blog. Fortunately I do pretty well with only purchasing items I need or think I will use. But I do have an issue with frames.
ReplyDeleteI am going to save this post.
Mr.Goodwill Hunting