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forget me knot

I just found out my sweet friend Megan has started a blog on wedding inspiration.  Always exciting to find a fabulous new blog, but even more exciting when it's a good friend!  As a newlywed herself, she has steps and inspiration for those who are tying the knot in their near future.

BUT, as you can see from a few of her own wedding photographs, I'm sure we'll all will be inspired daily... 

 They could not be any more adorable, I love how their photographs have a beautiful vintage touch.  Perfect for the week of love.

And I'm just smitten over the inspiration boards she puts together, I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

If I get engaged anytime soon, I know who I'm calling first!

Go check out her blog to learn the ropes on tying the knot!

p.s. last chance to enter the giveaway, it ends tonight!
wedding photographer: Kate Harrison


  1. The pictures make me happy and make me smile. Love them all.

  2. Her Wedding photos are a fabulous mix of pretty and rustic! I do wonder, however, looking at her sitting on the back of the pickup truck in her gorgeous dress...did she sit on something to keep her dress clean?!? :)

  3. oh I love these! Looks like it's going to be a great blog. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. Really love the photos and the invitations! Thanks for sharing.

  5. wow gorgeous. will definately check out her blog!

  6. Those are beautiful wedding pictures! The inspiration board with the nautical theme is my favorite!

  7. Another wedding blog to be obsessed with... haha. Love the collages here.

  8. Thanks for the love everyone!
    I did not sit on anything actually and my dress stayed perfectly clean. Just dusted off a little dirt and I was good to go. =)

  9. wow she looks so beautiful - inside and out ! off for a read le

  10. I hope I need all this inspiration soon- fingers crossed for me :)

  11. so sweet and inspiring... thanks for sharing her blog. I'll be visiting you both for sure for more inspiring ideas!

    follow me: Living Creatively with Flory

  12. omg, i'm heading over right now! she made a lovely bride. also LOVE the lonny photos. i am so far behind on my blog reading...i want to cry :(


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