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"Room- or -Treat?"

Hi everyone!

I'm guest blogging today over at Sweet Nothings, come visit over there and do a little "room- or-treating?" with me...

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Images: Flickr & La Dolce Vita


  1. Just found your blog via Sweet Nothings! Love it, great posts =)

  2. What a cute cupcake!!! I will def head over there :)

    Regarding your email- I wasn't able to go :( I meant to email you and see if you wanted to give it to someone else. I was CRAZY busy @ work and it totally slipped my mind!!!! I appreciate the f/u :) Happy Halloween!

  3. Great post over on Sweet Nothings- those brain cupcakes are crazy! Happy Halloween!!

  4. thank you so much for helpnig us out! i didnt know if i loved the rooms or the cupcakes more!! :)

  5. Yes! Definitely an adult room! I love the color! So refreshing! Nice post!

  6. love that headboard! and the light fixture!



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