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Who What Wear

Who What Where is one of my favorite fashion/style websites. I often grab lunch, head back to the office, and watch their videos while munching on something yummy. The website creates how-to videos with step-by-step tips on exactly the right way to pull off the latest trends for your body, what's worth splurging on, and what you can be a little cheaper about (trendier items that will be out of style quicker, versus a classic black blazer, per say).

If you sign up for their daily newsletter, you'll receive a wonderful little email with everything from the latest celebrity style with great pictures, what's on the runway, what they recommend for the new season, etc. I love it. Two girls run the website which I also love; girl power! Anyway, I suggest signing up for their emails; you will not be disappointed! Here is a sample of one of their emails:

a closer look..

I know its not in incredible quality, but try to bare with me; look at the images, the writing, the cool layout. Its inspiring for me and I love seeing celebrity street style because that's what they really like wearing; its real!

I must also let you know they just came out with their styling book; a compilation of all their best tips, how-to's, great visual images, etc. I'm so excited to go pick up my copy!!!!


  1. That site does looks amazing! I love all their graphics and layout.

  2. I love this site and look forward to their daily emails. I have never watched the videos...thanks for the tip, I will start :)

  3. i'll check it out! thanks

  4. Oooh lala I will have to look into it!


  5. I subscribed to this site when they first began and have never regretted it. I too enjoy their layouts and trend updates and cannot wait to get my hands on the book! Hope they stick around for years to come.

  6. I also love this site! So happy they have new office space, have you seen the layout? It's fantastic!

  7. I'm so happy you introduced me to this one a while back. I love it! I'm also going to need to pick that book up! xoxo


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