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good morning {with green juice}

This is my first glass of green juice since starting the cleanse!  Typically I would start my day with a glass on a cleanse and have a green smoothie near lunch time, but I haven't had the time to make them this week.  If you're interested: 

bunch of organic chard
bunch of organic kale
2 organic apples
1 organic cucumber
1 meyer lemon

You can do any variation with juice.  Add ginger, beets, celery...whatever your heart desires.  If you don't have a juicer, try making a green smoothie {actually better for you because you lose fiber when you juice}. Put a bunch of kale, cut peaches and spring water in a blender to start.  As you drink more, you can start adding superfoods listed on the health & recipes page and switch up the fruits/greens you use. 

*find shopping list & recipes for cleanse here
*find another post on juicing here and here


  1. I drink green lemonade made with a juicer almost every morning! Here's how I make mine. . .

    2 apples
    1 lemon (peel and all)
    1 in of fresh cut ginger root
    1/2 a bunch of romaine
    1/2 a bunch of kale

    It's soooo good and seriously gives you SO much energy!

  2. LOVE green lemonade. Thanks for sharing your recipe Mary!

  3. Drinking homemade spinach juice is one of the healthiest juices that you can drink. Spinach juice contains iron, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, and many other nutrients. cheap ejuice


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