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from the country.

The East Bay is hardly the country, but we city folk like to joke that we're going to the "country" when we visit our family in the burbs.  Yesterday on my trip I snipped quite a bit of roses from my fathers garden. Sadly, a few were effected by the heat when left in the car, but not all of them...These bunches of roses remind me of how intoxicating the smell of fresh roses are from a garden, makes such a difference. Does anyone have a garden full of roses?  I have to say I'm very jealous if you do!


  1. I don't have a rose garden, but my grandmother does and she cuts them and makes pretty arrangements. I would love to be able to do that! Nothing like the smell of fresh cut roses!! Intoxicating!!

  2. I used to and soon will again! Intoxicating is all I can say :)

  3. Lovely blooms! We don't have any blooms at all, roses or otherwise, right now. It only just recently warmed up. We have one rose bush, but it's not terribly healthy. I'd like a few more. My mother always had beautiful roses. When my parents moved to GA, one of the first things she did was plant some new rose bushes. Love the bright red of your roses. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Ha! When I lived in SF we ALWAYS said we were visiting our country home when we went to the East Bay to see our parents. Too funny.

  5. We have one bush that is going crazy this year. I am not sure why, I never do anything to it. I have a bouquet in every room.

  6. Oh, there are nothing like fresh flowers, when we lived in SF a bush would come through one window when opened...just divine! Janell

  7. I have two rose bushes and one rose tree. I love when they bloom and I get to cut some to bring inside!! I agree nothing like roses, Kathysue

  8. I wish the flowers would start blooming here!

    Love the picture!!


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