photo about-14.png photo contact-10.png photo FAQ.png photo press-2.png photo shop-3.png
As of now, Deliciously Organized is under construction!  I'm in the process of making some changes around here.  Be patient with me as I try and make DO a bit easier to navigate, including adding a FAQ's section. What you're seeing right now is a rough draft. This isn't going to be a quick process, but I'll try my best to not take too long.  I will continue with regular posting during these changes. Thank you!


  1. Change is good and knowing you, the changes will be fresh and deliciously organized....not that they aren't already!
    Good luck and take your time...we will be here. Well I will...

  2. Good luck with the makeover. I revamped my blog a few weekends ago, and it's so fun to switch things up! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love hearing your thoughts. If you have a question, please feel free to leave it in the comment section and I will try to respond ASAP.

Feel free to check the FAQ tab for answers as well. Thank you for stopping by!