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sunday morning.

{cupcake from sprinkles}
{ina garten french toast}
{french press coffee with whipped cream mixed in}

This is our first Sunday morning breakfast at the new pad.  I love Ina Garten's french toast recipe.  Add a dash of half & half, vanilla, honey, salt and orange zest to your egg mix.  The orange zest gives it a really fresh taste.  I also love adding a little cinnamon and vanilla to heavy whip cream for a decadent topping {btw~it's nice to have a few California favorites back, like the straus family creamery...I love that their products come in glass bottles because I can recycle them to store fresh green juice}.  Lastly, a sprinkles cupcake thrown in the mix from my first visit yesterday.  Delicious.

Question: What's your favorite ingredient to add to french toast?


  1. oh goodness, everything looks delish!!

  2. great pictures! that french toast looks delicious!!!!

  3. Straus Family Creamery milk is so yummy. There's something really cool about milk in a glass bottle, too. Definitely a California fave.

  4. Seriously craving everything! Gee thanks, hehehe :)

  5. mmmm, what a delicious sunday morning! for me french toast is all about the bread and toppings... banana, raspberry, strawberry sprinkles on top or any type of compote- love french toast! hope your enjoying your new place!!

  6. lovely sunday! hope you're enjoying your new place :)

  7. My favorite ingredient to add to french toast would be
    sliced bananas, brown sugar and some maple syrup! I love them with powdered sugar too.

  8. I had a bowel of corn flakes for breakfast. Yours looks so much more appetizing.

  9. it's almost midnight here but I really want that french toast, yummy!

  10. Girl, you put my white donut and sausage breakfast to shame! Well done!

  11. sounds delicious. enjoy your new place... i love the feeling of a new place and getting everything put away and in its place. what a great way to start a new year.

  12. Thanks for recommending Ina's french toast recipe. I love mine, but I can't wait to give hers a try! My recipe calls for milk (i always add a little half and half to it), eggs, splash of vanilla, the tiniest pinch of salt and a good sprinkle of nutmeg. Its an old family recipe that I crave on the weekends!

  13. I love Ina's recipe for FT. That's a favorite in our household. Lovely photos!

  14. Oh my gosh, your Sunday looks absolutely perfect. Jealous!

  15. french toast...must be the season...just blogged this earlier tonight!

    coconut milk and shredded coconut is my secret ingredient...


  16. This looks yummy! What a fabulous way to kick off the week. :)

  17. I LOVE frencg toast with more french toast.

  18. Looks delish! I always add cinnamon to french toast - or maybe that's a recipe staple. The more the better!

    Love Strauss Family milk and bottles. Our version in Westchester is Byrne Dairy which is delivered to my house every Tuesay morning. Doesn't get much better than fresh milk in your coffee!

    xo Elizabeth

  19. I've heard Ina has really good recipes.

  20. you've got my mouth watering, lady. lovely photos!

  21. I LOVE french toast! I'm going to have to try her recipe. I like mine on most days with a little nutmeg, but recently I found a recipe which has you add molasses and cinnamon. It's so good! :)


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