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for the birthday girl.

I'm heading to Lake Tahoe this afternoon to meet a group to celebrate my friend's birthday {last time we were in Tahoe was for her wedding}.  Earlier this week, I asked my friend's husband what her favorite cake was...German Chocolate.  Since I'm a cupcake gal, I decided to whip some up using this recipe and this frosting.  

Honestly, these take a lot longer than I expected {typical} and require many steps.  I'm now in a bit of a time crunch, but they were totally worth it. 

As you can see, I still have quite a bit more to frost....

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!  Wish me luck skiing! I'm switching up the snowboarding for something new...any tips???


  1. I don't know whether you'd feel dumb doing that, but don't use the skiing sticks at first and just put your hands on your knees. (That's what the kiddies do, when they first start...).
    Make long curves.
    When making the curve, 'lean' towards the mountain.
    And lastly, snowplough always helps.

    Hope these are helpful, even if just a little. Also, if you really want to get good at it, then I would strongly advise you to take lessons. Only for a couple of hours - but they are soo worth it! x

  2. I don't like chocolate, but the frosting on German Chocolate cake is my favorite! For snowboarding, always try to fall backward. Your knees bruise way worse than your butt. Good luck!

  3. Oh those treats do look de-lish! As for tips for skiing....maybe take a class - and no poles...
    good luck. I need to try snowboarding!

  4. Get the shortest skis that you can. No poles at first then add them in after you've mastered wide turns--they help when you need to make sharp turns.
    If you feel yourself falling tip sideways up hill, if you can.
    Good Luck, Carlee!

  5. i'm baking today too - chocolate chips cookies to thank my boyfriend for being so supportive of me this week.
    have so much fun skiing!

  6. thank you for your tips! I'm going to need them!

  7. Lake Tahoe...How fun! Those look so yummy and diet cheating worthy! ;) Have a great time!

  8. they look delicious and I love the photos!
    have a great time in Tahoe!

  9. I'm a ski bum all the way. Totally jealous you'll be playing in Tahoe, lucky girl! Bet those cupcakes will be a hit for sure.

  10. those look delish. I want to be warm. Probably not warm in Tahoe today

  11. I'm at the tail end of my birthday week and am all sugared out, but those cupcakes look delicious!

    Very impressed that you're going from snowboarding to skiing. Seems people never switch after they snowboard. I like's quiet and graceful. :)

    Happy weekend!

  12. I've never been snowboarding. I'm hoping to be able to go for the first time next weekend, so no tips from me :]

    Have a great time!

  13. That's such a cute idea! I love when cupcakes look like mini cakes! These look super delicious and fun! I cant wait to try them!

  14. SO DELICIOUS! last time i went snowboarding i ran into a tree...and couldnt walk for a week... so I'll hold off on giving you advice :) cute blog!

  15. they look delish !! what a great friend you are best le xox


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