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Spring Cleaning: Closet Inspiration

I seriously need to clean out my closet...I thought if I put together a little inspiration, it would get me on the good foot {I realize this image is not of a closet, but it's incredibly inspiring} to start sprucing it up and purging out the old.  My closet is very tiny, but I would love to put up a little inspiration board and put down a mini round rug. This weekend it's on my to-do list, along with studying for finals.  Fabulous. I'll let you know next week how it goes {if it goes} along with some closet organization tips. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

*image Robert Duffy, Elle Decor


  1. OMW I have that Ikea frame and I painted it yesterday (a creamy white and a chalk board spray paint will be used in the center)! Gotta love it!

  2. the colors are fabulous!!

    why is it so hard to purge closets? I can only do it when forced by size constraints, and even then it's like pulling teeth. Good luck to you!

  3. Awesome...can't wait. I love the colors you chose! Good luck studying!

  4. I love the color palette, so fresh and garden-y! Perfect for a spring makeover!

  5. Love the color palette, I have a painting in my upcoming show with the yellow and lavender!

    Art by Karena

  6. those are pretty inspiring...good luck! have a nice weekend!

  7. I need to clean my closet so's totally out of control. I'm working with a small space as well, but this post i certainly inspiring!


    All this is Grace and Charm

  8. Gorgeous colours, and love the round rug!!

  9. Oh geesh, that is one project that needs some MAJOR attention. Great color inspiration for your closet makeover!

  10. nice color combo here too! and that little rug, OMG!!


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