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today was the boston marathon and the city was buzzing! congrats to all the runners!
speaking of runners...wish I had a space for one of these in my place!
love them. 

*Nate Berkus Dhurrie Runner


  1. happy you liked the link love! I also shared your post in Everything Fabulous Facebook and also got a lot of positive feedback!! BTW I am doing a giveaway might like!!
    Hope you have a fabulous Monday night!

  2. Love the runners and the runners!

    I think qualifying for the Boston would be nothing short of amazing.

  3. Thank you Sasha!

    And Meredith, I agree. I can't even imagine. The most I've ran is a half and I just barely made that...

    I have so much respect for them.

  4. Love these - you gotta love Nate. BTW, saw your desk over at Emily's and loved it!

  5. great play on words...i agree, these runners look like fun!

  6. I really want to get one of these runners...Nate is my favorite!

  7. That blue one would look super cute with my dark teal walls... Hmmm!


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