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Tiffany & I come from a huge blankie family...everyone in our family seemed to have one growing up and to this day we still all like to cuddle up in them. Doesn't everyone though? My favorite throw is from Pottery Barn and I have it in multiple colors...pictured above. You can get it here. It looks like they changed it up a little, but the important things are still the same. Washable?-check. Soft after washing?-check. Cozy?-check. Lare enough to wrap around you?-check.

If I didn't sell you, I know that sweet pup did...

We want to say thank you to all of the kind bloggers {listed below} who have given us awards recently.You seriously all rock and inspire us daily. Also, to all the bloggers out there...we can't thank you enough for your sweet comments, we truly enjoy reading each and every one of them!
Last night I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Emily from Perfectly Put Together, Lindsay over at everything LEB, Stephanie from Sabbe Spot and Laura from Journey Chic at a Boston Bloggers night that Stephanie and Lindsay put together {thanks again for organizing!}. It was so nice to meet everyone in person.

If you haven't been to ALL of the blogs listed in this post you definitely need to head on over today to check them out!

Hope you're all having a great Thursday!


  1. I adore that photo! Both the puppy and the blanket look so soft!

    Had fun last night and hope we can do it again soon!

  2. Thats what I forgot on my blankie! Yes I am almost 28 years old and if I dont have my blankie at night I can no fall asleep, no matter what.

    The BF also says he wont give me a ring till I get rid of it....hmm maybe thats another reason we are going on 6 years hahahaha :)

  3. PS- it was wonderful to finally meet you, we will have to do it again soon. Tell Tifla she should come out soon and visit too :)

  4. Oooh that blankie looks comfy cozy! I want! That pooch is pretty darn cute too.

    Sounds like y'all had a blast last night!!

  5. I had a blanket too when I was little...bunny blanket I called it because it has (or had, can barely see now because so old and faded) pastel bunnies around the edges. I still have it, in my bed, haha!

  6. Hi! Found you bc of LindsB and Lavender & Lilies...I have stared at that same PB pic for weeks now. I just love how cozy it looks! I'm not as addicted to a blankie as I am my pillow. I have one that I keep tucked away in our TV room and drag it out (such a 5 year old, I know) I just can't get cozy without it!!

    Glad I found you and your cute blog!

  7. Oh so happy you ladies had fun! Now make sure the next get together is over a weekend so I can drive up and go to one!

  8. Here it goes...I STILL have my blankie. Tattered and torn, loved very much over the years. It has rips and marker stains, the works. I hope to cut a piece of it out and sew it into my kid's blanket someday!

  9. Thank you so much for such a sweet post! There has to be another Boston blogger event so I can meet everyone face to face too, I can only imagine how much fun everyone is in real life.

    As for blankets, I can never take a nap without a blanket. I also have one wrapped around me for most of the winter when I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. That's probably too much info, but the point is I completely understand your obssession with blankets.

  10. Such a fun get together! We had one a few months ago w/ a great group of Bham bloggers... it was me, Haven and Home, Two Ellie, Newlywed Diaries, A Klassy Lady, Under a Green Roof, and Inspiration for Everyday Living (sorry- most ppl know them by blog names than first names!). Such a fun blogging community!

  11. That blanket looks so cozy and cute. Especially with a little doggy napping on it. I just noticed that it is on sale at Pottery Barn. Yeah!


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